About Me

Hello there! I'm Tiara, though I prefer Tia. 15 years old, Sophomore in high school. Currently living in Central Wisconsin. Part-time artist, full-time reader. My entire family is full of readers, and whether genetic or by chance, the reading bug struck me at an early age. My mother home-schooled me up until 2nd grade, but I pretty much taught myself how to read through listening to her and trial and error.My grandfather has encouraged my reading from the beginning, bringing me book after book from garage sales and bookstores. He's got a library of his own, full of paperbacks and hardcovers alike. I mostly read science fiction and fantasy, but I like fiction in general. This is my first blog I've ever set up, but I'm not new in the internet world at all. I've been a member to various role-playing websites when I was younger, but right now I basically frequent Twitter(, Tumblr, Facebook, Goodreads and I read other peoples blogs alot. I write alot. I'm pretty sure I've partially written like 5 books since the beginning of middle school, but I have a story 50(?) pages long that I'm extremely dedicated to finishing. I habitually doodle, though everyone thinks I could and should go farther with my art. I prefer reading in my pajamas, because comfortableness is key when it comes to keeping me occupied. I may or may not have some form of A.D.D, it has yet to be confirmed. I get very, VERY talkative when I'm tired, usually reciting my entire day(with bouts of random nonsense) in 20 minutes or less.

I've never blogged before, so please bare with me. The reasoning behind the title of my blog is in part(obviously) because of my full name, Tiara, and the Topsy Turvy is a reference to several things: A song I LOVE, my obvious lack of focus when it comes to just about anything besides books, and I'm a total klutz. I'm serious. It takes nothing more than air for me to trip and fall on my butt. I created this blog in order to review books, because I read so much and my friends are always asking me what books to read anyway. I'm totally open to suggestions when it comes to what to read, so don't be afraid to recommend some. I don't bite.

Hope you enjoy the blog.

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